Friday, March 22, 2019

In Class Right Now by Phin and Scarlett


Lately in writing we have been writing persuasive essays about why the
Books in Action party should keep going. There is a chart that we are using
to do our writing. It is writing down your persuasive essay, revising it, editing
it and finally publishing it.👍


In math we are just finishing our geometry unit and starting our addition and
subtraction with large numbers, and we are learning about the US standard

Reading/ Science

In reading we are reading about natural disasters and at the end of this unit
we are going to get put in groups and make i-movies about it. Our topics are
tornadoes, climate change, tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes,
avalanches, droughts and finally blizzards. And just a little teaser our next
science unit is going to be energy.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Science by Scarlett

Fourth  grade has been working on animal adaptations.  

The Hitchcock Center has been teaching us about animal
tracks. One week ago we went outside to find animal tracks
and a few days ago we looked at skulls of animals.