Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Electricity Four!


Electrician of the week is DECLAN!

Yesterday and continuing today, we made squishy, sushi, glowing, squeaking, spinning circuits. We started by making circuits that explained what we were doing. Here’s exactly what we were up to.

Some awesome scientist-mom invented this Play-and-make-electricity-doh. One dough had a lot of salt in it (like, a LOT A LOT) and water with lots of minerals that conduct electricity. The other dough had sugar, oils, and purified water. (Suggesting, don’t eat either). The first dough conducted electricity and the second dough was an insulator. 

We had LED’s, motors, noisemakers, and one battery pack per pair. Each partnership got one glob of each type of dough. We started by doing five assigned activities on a worksheet, conducting the electricity into the LEDs through the dough, and discovering  more about fascinatingness! Our favorite project was the SUSHI CIRCUIT!! 

Then we let our knowledge go wild!!

First, we tried to make a dragon from Wings of Fire named Tsunami. Her stripes light up, and she roars. Operation failure. The current wouldn’t carry.
Then we tried to make the word Peril (after the dragon, we’re obsessed by the series). Same problem, it didn’t work.
Then, finally, we made an O with rocks. When the battery was turned on, the rocks glowed because of LEDs hidden under them and the dough of the O whistled.

First we made a Tsunami (same one by the way) with two glowing stripes and three LEDs on each stripe. Also, it had a working annoying squeaker. Then, we made a present that glowed!

Now, finally, for the quote of the week.
“If the electricity can only go one route, the bulb is either off or dimmer than it should be.”


Friday, December 18, 2015

Electricity Three!

by Arin, Josh, and Declan
Electrician of the week is JOSH!!

Today, we learned a new language. Yeah, in, science class. We learned the language of the electricians. The language of symbols used in electricity when talking about bulbs and batteries and the like. Then we used it.

We made and drew circuits using this language. The circuits we made had to be made out of nine electric objects. We could chose from:
  • Wires
  • Batteries
  • Bulbs
  • Battery Holder
  • Bulb Holder

Some images change when they are crossed or connected (wires) positive or negative up (battery) or on a holder or not (battery and bulb).
See the picture below for the key to the secret language.

“The more batteries, the bigger the glow. This can be balanced out by the number of bulbs added to the circuit.”

Next week we’ll be discussing conductors again, but this time with squishy circuits!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Electricity 2

by Arin, Joshua, and Declan

Today, in fourth grade, we were working on a sort of circuit tester for the project we will be conducting next week.

We made a cool and yet disconnected circuit using all of the materials we used last week. The battery was in a holder with a wire sticking out of each side. One wire was connected to a bulb holder, while the other dangled disconnected.
Another wire was connected to the bulb holder, and that one also hung dangled. So there was not enough electrical current to make the bulb light up. (Oh, right! The bulb was screwed into the bulb holder!) Once you connect the two dangling wires, the bulb list up, because that is a complete electrical circuit. 

The word circuit is an old-fashioned word for ‘go around’, which makes perfect sense. A circuit goes around!

A circuit can be made with not only electrons passing through a wire, but also can be made with water passing through a pipe or hose.

Next week, we will use the dangling wire points to touch them to a surface, and see if it makes the bulb light up. We will be talking about conductors, those surfaces that do make the bulb light up. It does work on the clip of Declan’s watch, like we have tested in preparation. 

“Positive and negative sources are opposites, meaning they each need to be connected or opposed to each other,”


Look at the photo below showing four stages of wiring connection to make the bulb light. Only the bulb in the last picture lights up.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Electricity One

by Joshua, Arin, and Declan

In science, we just started an Electricity Unit and classmates are practically zapping each other with excitement.

“No, I zapped myself with a wire,” says Declan.
There were injuries, sparks and heat here and there.

Yesterday, we tried to light up a lightbulb using three out of five electricity-related items that were supposed to make the bulb light up. The items were:
Battery Case
Lightbulb Holder
The correct combination for lighting the bulb is shown in a photo.
First you need a D battery, a bulb, and a wire. (Be careful of shocks and burns!) Touch the wire to the negative side of battery. Then take the other side of the wire and touch it to the silver part of the bulb. Then the very bottom of bulb to positive side of battery. It will light up!

You need a positive and a negative charge from the battery to power the bulb

Look down to see photos of work and experiments that worked and didn't

Come back next week for new powered-up information!!!