Friday, March 22, 2019

In Class Right Now by Phin and Scarlett


Lately in writing we have been writing persuasive essays about why the
Books in Action party should keep going. There is a chart that we are using
to do our writing. It is writing down your persuasive essay, revising it, editing
it and finally publishing it.πŸ‘


In math we are just finishing our geometry unit and starting our addition and
subtraction with large numbers, and we are learning about the US standard

Reading/ Science

In reading we are reading about natural disasters and at the end of this unit
we are going to get put in groups and make i-movies about it. Our topics are
tornadoes, climate change, tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes,
avalanches, droughts and finally blizzards. And just a little teaser our next
science unit is going to be energy.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Science by Scarlett

Fourth  grade has been working on animal adaptations.  

The Hitchcock Center has been teaching us about animal
tracks. One week ago we went outside to find animal tracks
and a few days ago we looked at skulls of animals.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Vacation! by Phineas

Right now we are on vacation so
we aren't doing any work!😊 but soon
vacation is going to be over and we will
be back to school and doing lots of
new stuff. We will have new science,
math, reading and writingπŸ‘.
In my next entry I will tell you about
all the new stuff we are doing.

February by Phineas

In math we have been doing geometry.
We have been learning about different angles
and lines.We have also been using power
polygons and using smaller shapes to make
bigger shapes. For example we have been
using shapes to make quadrilaterals, triangles,
and much more.    

Blizzard bags
If you don’t know what they are they are bags
that have 2 and a  half hours of work in them.
If we don’t have school then we don’t have to
make up the day at the end of the year.
Some kids like them because we don’t have
to make up the day at the end of the year.
And some kids don’t like them because
you have to do work on snow days.

In science Mr. Ted has been coming in
and teaching us various things. Some of
them are earthquakes, erosion and next
week he is going to be teaching us about
animal tracks!


In reading we just started our nonfiction unit
and we are doing Newesla articles and
Scholastic News and a lot of other informational

Friday, November 9, 2018

Fourth Graders in Math

By Azure and Leela

In fourth grade we’re at the beginning of our measuring and data unit. We have been making bar graphs and line plots. We have been measuring ourselves and the first graders! We’re comparing the data. We’re making graphs to represent the data. There is a range of 42 to 60 inches! Every one of use is making a graph of the data we collected. Our tallest fourth grader is Kieran standing 60 inches tall (the same height as our teacher Ms. Scott). Our lowest first grader Oliviya standing 42 inches tall. We’re rounding up to anybody who stands half an inch. But some people are making space for half inches!πŸ’™

Monday, September 24, 2018

Math by Nico and Irina

For the past few weeks we have been working
on arrays in math. We have mostly been using
tiles to make arrays but for the past 2 days,
we have been working on making charts of
numbers and making arrays for them.!
1+1=2 We’re smart!

Today we investigated  prime numbers.
There was one question that was
“What is the highest prime number through 1-100?"
And there was a group of 5
(Max, Ty, Phin, Kieran, and Nico that are still working on it)

But they think it's 97.😊


Assembly by Irina and Nico

Every other Friday we have a thing
called Assembly, and at Assembly if
people have things to share with the
whole school they can share. For example
Irina and Isla are singing A Million Dreams
from The Greatest Showman at assembly.
4th grade will be doing a surprise movement
activity next assembly on Friday, October fifth
(2 weeks from this post).

Please come!πŸ‘πŸ˜Š